miércoles, 28 de enero de 2009


I am so glad Summer is here....I love watching everything bloom and come to life.  Kinda how I feel this time of year, like I've been in a sleepy depressed fog for about 6 months. Now it's time to wake up and come to life. Get out of the house, breathe some fresh air (although I may have to drive far to find some..hee hee) I mean breathe some air that wasn't manufactured by my furnace. Open all the windows and let the "stale" out. I love that it is light when I wake and still light sometimes when I got to sleep. I love seeing  sunshine  from 6 am till 9 at night. I love getting my fingernails full of dirt planting flowers. I am no longer a prisioner, I am free, free to run around with no shoes on,  free to go outside with just the clothes you have on,  free to sit outside and watch the stars until the sun rises, free to run through the sprinkler with my son. Sit and look at how deep green and pretty the grass is when it's newly mown and breathe in the scent. (luckily I don't have allergies) I just feel like a different person than I was 2 months ago. Happy, energized, inspired.

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