miércoles, 28 de enero de 2009

Our Soldiers

I received an e-mail from my soldiers today..Sgt. Crouch and his 12 boys in Iraq. They are my heros. I am getting a box ready to send to them this weekend..gonna send them some food that actually tastes good and some other things they need. Though I can't send them what they really want, their families, a guarantee that they will remain safe or orders to report home immediately, wish I could.  I hope that even if  folks do not agree with "why" they are there that they can at least appreciate their amazing selflessness and their incredible bravery. We cannot imagine the things they have to go through and see on a daily basis. And they are selfless cause they are risking everything. I am very proud of each and every one of them and hope for each of them that they will make it home, to their families, safe & happy. I have a kinship with these soldiers as both of my Grandpa's are WWII veterans, my Uncle Roger is a Vietnam veteran who is now the VFW's Commander for the State of Ohio, my cousin Larry is a Marine and my Dad is a Vietnam/ Desert Storm veteran. I am very proud and in awe of all of them. Someone who can walk headlong into a situation that they know very well that they may not return from is brave beyond my comprehension. Think about that, you're leaving... you kiss & hug your most beloved family and as you turn to walk away from them...letting go of their hand...knowing in the back of your mind that where you are going, there's a great chance that you won't return. Never see you wife or husband again, your kids, your mom & dad. Your best buddy will never look at football & beer on Sunday afternoon's the same again. Do you think you could do it, do you think you could leave everything you love and cherish with that knowlege, with that ache in your heart? I don't. All of this for someone you don't even know, someone you might never see. Next time you see a soldier, thank them. And damnit, at least appreciate their sacrifice and the sacrifice of their families.

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